Turning World Communications, a non-governmental private enterprise, exists to accomplish the following:
I. Produce and disseminate credible, non-fiction communications to help document historic social and political change and reveal the causes and consequences of social and political distress.
II. Increase awareness of and knowledge about some of the causes and consequences of social and political distress while simultaneously stimulating and aiding related debate.
III. Stand as a public example to help motivate and inspire others to create and disseminate additional credible information, knowledge, and communication resources.
IV. Challenge and learn about ourselves and those with whom we interact worldwide and otherwise seek to more fully attain our infinite human potential.
We pursue the foregoing in major measure because of others who have done so before us. We pursue the foregoing in an attempt to benefit the living and with hopes of leaving some legacy for the unborn.
Further, in pursuit of our objectives we shall endeavor to always:
- Produce and disseminate our communications thoughtfully yet aggressively without any compromising disdain for or allegiance to any public official, political candidate, or political party.
- Behave in ways that help protect Earth's vital ecological support systems.
- Contemplate how we can make effective use of traditional, modern, and emerging media formats and technologies.
Moreover, in pursuit of our objectives we shall:
- Undertake all lawful activities that may be necessary, useful, or desirable and act independently or in careful cooperation with outside individuals or entities (such as public or private companies, proprietors, professionals, associations, trusts, partnerships, societies, or foundations).
However, in pursuit of our objectives we shall never:
- Intervene in any public election by producing or disseminating any communications on behalf of or explicitly in support of or opposition to any participating party or named candidate.