


July 4, 2024 (page updated)

Dear Web Visitor:

I am a photojournalist and the founder of Turning World Communications.

Through Turning World I produce non-partisan works about people and places enmeshed in social or political change or distress. In service to the Turning World mission I try to create exposure for the journalism. Today, Turning World functions mainly as a patron-funded media maker pursuing self-initiated projects. Tomorrow, I also hope to be energized by the story you want me to pursue by unsolicited assignment.

Please know Turning World can deliver most archived content (even unpublished content) for display, reproduction, transmission, or publishing. Consultation about the work and concept development are available to any partner.

Haiti is where I have worked most. I have landed there 33 times and made relevant photographs after many of those landings. I have also taken my cameras and intentions to Georgia, Israel and the West Bank, Liberia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Syria, Turkey, and Venezuela. I specialized in photojournalism at the University of Florida. I received a master's in journalism from Marshall University.

If you are a patron or potential patron or an editor or other professional communicator needing archived materials then I welcome your inquiry. Likewise, I am eager for you to reach out to me about producing new work by mutually suitable assignment (again, our mission).

Best Wishes,bwBrad Workman

P.S. I invite you to subscribe to our mailing list by sending a quick note to "subscribe" @ Doing so will help keep you updated. We will also send you a digital copy of Turning World Magazine.
